Saturday, January 27, 2007


Then and Now

I remember one evening back in '98 or '99. I remarked that "I will never be fat like XXXX". The reply was "There is no way you'll be fat. You have to much respect for yourself".

Yet here I am 8 or 9 years later and I am what I promised myself I'd never be.

I was riding to work five days a week, attending kung-fu classes 3-4 times a week and training in my own time, I rode mountain bikes every other weekends with my mates and I earned my living shifting heavy weights in a warehouse where I prided myself on being one of the hardest workers there.

When I applied to the Navy I was at my peak. They wanted 3 chin ups I pumped out 21 (I didn't try for more. Why when I was 7x better than their requirments.), I could push out over 70 push ups in one set and was gunning for 100, running was my weakness but there again I kicked their time limit with over 2 minutes to spare. My kung-fu was going great guns and the last fucker to cross me was lucky I didn't follow through. From memory I was about 11% body fat. I was walking tall. Hell, my nick-name was "Big Trav". Whilst I've never been a "hard" man I have bounced and whilst on the door I never let the boy's down.

Fast forward to '07. I'm a fat fuck. Soft and pudgy. I struggle to do 17 push ups, I run out of breath walking up a hill and the last guy that crossed me I was at a loss what to do. More on this later.

OK Stats time

Height - 175cm
Weight - 99.8kg (corrected from 98.8kg)
BMI - 32.3
Body Fat - 26.5%
Body Water - 51.9%
Fitness (1 set max)

0 - Chin-Ups (not even ONE - now i'm angry at myself)
20 - Push Ups
30 - Body weight squats

Great way to set the bar for yourself at the beginning--photos tell the truth, huh?
Thanks for commenting :-)

Yeah, no time like the present to get started and no real point hiding. With a little bit of luck, a bit of planning thrown in with a truck load of work I will get back in shape.

You've got a great blog happening there as well Veggie Paparazzo
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