Monday, January 29, 2007


Day Two

Picture taken in Dec '06. My best man, now mother-in-law and Jaws

Morning Weigh in

99.1 Kilograms (-0.7)
30% Body Fat (+3.5%)
50% Body Water (-1.9%)

Exercise for the day

11500 steps on the pedometer. Some advocate 10,000 steps a day coupled with healthy eating as one path towards healthy weight loss

Wrap Up

Pretty poor showing I'm afraid. I mean, come on, it was a day off and all I could do towards my goals was 11500 steps. I suppose I did finally get around to sorting out some issues I had with my application to become a Justice of the Peace so it wasn't all bad. I also thought about doing some serious exercise. That counts doesn't it? :-(


Ate Rockmelon for brekky, had canned meat for lunch :-( and steamed veggies with salmon steaks for tea. Then tied that over with some Bourbon. Overall thumbs down. The canned meat was disgusting but I still ate it - WTF was that all about? And the Bourbon? Come on get with the program. I'm pretty pissed off that I let the team down. Come on Defib, you can do so much better than that.

Message to self - TOUGHEN UP PRINCESS

My Promise to you

Tomorow I'm going to push out 100 push ups. 100 sets of 1, 20 sets of 5, within 1 hour or over the whole day, Full push-ups, girl push-ups it doesn't matter. What does matter is that I promise that before I go to bed I will perform 100 push ups.

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